What is a Company Limited by Guarantee?
A company Limited by Guarantee does not have share capital. This means the company is run by the members of the company. This makes them ideal for non-trading and not-for-profit companies such as clubs, societies and trade associations.
Forming a Limited by Guarantee company for such purpose gives the members running them protection from liability should it run up debts. The liability is stated in the company's articles and is normally set at £1.
As with companies limited by shares a company limited by guarantee has to submit yearly accounts and annual returns with Companies House.
What is needed to form a Company Limited by Guarantee?
What is in the pack?
A company Limited by Guarantee does not have share capital. This means the company is run by the members of the company. This makes them ideal for non-trading and not-for-profit companies such as clubs, societies and trade associations.
Forming a Limited by Guarantee company for such purpose gives the members running them protection from liability should it run up debts. The liability is stated in the company's articles and is normally set at £1.
As with companies limited by shares a company limited by guarantee has to submit yearly accounts and annual returns with Companies House.
What is needed to form a Company Limited by Guarantee?
- A suitable name for the company.
- A minimum of one officer (i.e one directors)
- A registered office
- L&A Agency Services will provide suitable Memorandum and Articles of Association
What is in the pack?
- Certificate of Incorporation
- 4 bound copies of the Memorandum and Articles
- Company Register
- E-filing Code (if required)